What Is Trouble Ticket Software? How It Works and Top Product Recommendations

BY IN Uncategorized, 23.12.2020

Trouble ticketing systems oversee and improve every stage of your IT team’s ticketing process. In addition to streamlining the support delivery process, a trouble ticketing system provides a centralized framework that organizes requests from multiple channels. With a system integrated into your company, you will be able to provide continual support to customers at every stage of the process, regardless of their problem level or method of communication.

Trouble Ticketing Software Defined

Trouble ticketing software prioritizes tickets and support requests and can automate workflow as well as provide issue tracking. Each software has its own unique set of features, and the variety can benefit not only your client scale but also your budget. Trouble ticket management is an extension of your existing help desk solutions. It should guide your customers and representatives from every part of the support process, including knowledge base access, initial request submission and follow-up.

Providing additional support to customers benefits both them and technicians. While your employees are away or working on higher-level requests, clients with simpler issues or who simply need information can assist themselves through a knowledge base, FAQ page or chat bots. For companies that want to improve their workflow, a ticketing software is the answer. Besides streamlining tasks, it also introduces automated prioritization that connects customers with the right solutions from the first request.

Why You Need a Ticketing Software

A trouble ticket system improves your company’s support, organization and overall response. You gain greater insight into clients’ problems and learn how to integrate solutions that reduce future ticket requests while integrating solutions more quickly. It sustains growth from the ground up, ensuring that regardless of how many new customers you obtain, there is a system in place that can keep all of their needs met immediately. A multichannel system is the best solution as it provides a single platform to access and respond to requests from email, messages, social media, chat and more.

The Best Trouble Ticket Software for Your Business

There are many different types of ticketing software out there, and the one you choose will ultimately come down to your budget, needs and the size of your consumer base. You can check out this list of top incident tracking software in addition to our picks below.

HubSpot Service Hub

HubSpot is a leading platform in many domains, and their free help desk software is a fantastic introduction to ticketing management for IT companies. Automation, bots and customer feedback tools allow you to gain insight about your user experiences and make improvements to every facet of your delivery model.

Mojo IT

This is a free help desk software that has built-in compatibility with G Suite. You can connect your account and immediately begin receiving all requests through Google. Multichannel integration allows your customers to submit support requests through their preferred method, and all of them are instantly converted into tickets that are loaded into your dashboard and ready for you to review.

SolarWinds Web Help Desk

SolarWinds’ automated ticketing system helps IT companies manage everything from job assignment to routing and escalation protocol. Emails for support are turned into tickets that are passed on to appropriate agents, while asset tracking documents the history of every request. If you’ve had issues with wait times or missed requests in the past, SolarWinds ticketing system offers email and SMS updates on any ticket that has gone unanswered or unassigned.

