If you run a network equipment business then you know that advertising can be quite expensive. This means that you have to be willing to spend some money to promote your brand. There are various ways to reach your target audience, so you have to contact an expert to get the best advice on the subject. The first thing you have to do is to be realistic about your advertising campaigns, because the key to achieve success is to have a clear target in mind. You have to create effective but low cost solutions, if you want to get to possible clients and promote your services. Experts state that every company should set a budget for advertising, and not use only the left over funds. If you assign the right amount of money to the right campaigns, they you will get the results you want. Based on the data you gather, you will know what are the right channels to advertise your business. Here are some advertising strategies that will help you, giving the fact that you will have to optimise your advertising strategy on the way, if you want to achieve success.