How to Spread Positivity Through Your Blog

BY IN Uncategorized, 15.03.2018

It feels like online media is saturated with stories of doom and gloom; political arguments, economical problems, crime and death seem to be the main talking points.

This is because the people bringing us the stories know that they will get a lot of attention. However, that is not to say that positivity doesn’t sell. In fact, there is a large demand and following for positivity and it can help you to attract traffic to your website and help people at the same time!

Blue Monday has just passed by, a day deemed so depressing that it needs an official title to remind people. The term was developed based on a number of factors that generally make people feel a bit blue; going back to work after holidays, overspending over that holiday period and for many places like the UK, the weather is miserable.

So when people are feeling blue, they are looking for something to give them an injection of positivity. Some people book holidays, some turn to exercise to give them an energy boost to help lift the depression. For others, watching something funny on TV or reading something positive can fulfil that craving and brighten up the ‘lull’ period.

So this could be the ideal time for you to use your blog to spread some positivity. Or if you were waiting for the right time to set up your blog with a hosting company, this could be the best time to get going. Here are some ideas that you could try out:

  1. Provide health tips

This time of year is perfect for helping people to create some new goals to kick-start their health and start feeling more positive. As many people will be making or trying to stick to New Year’s resolutions, they will be searching online for this kind of content. So by sharing weight loss tips, or ideas for getting fit, ideas for new activities to try, you are giving people information that will help them to achieve their goals.

  1. Raise awareness of available support

Whilst for many people, feeling blue will quickly pass, for others it can be a more permanent issue. 1 in 15 people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder and there are many people who suffer from other mental health conditions that may benefit from some help. Raising awareness of the support channels available might go a long way to helping somebody reach out for help. Tackling some difficult topics and highlighting positive outcomes can give other people hope that support networks can work for them

  1. Share good news stories

If something great caught your eye on social media or on TV recently, then talk about it in your blog. If something made you feel really good, or if you saw a wonderful gesture of kindness, then the chances are that other people will feel the same way. So spread the good news and help other people see the great things that are happening in the world, to balance out the bad things they may be reading elsewhere. Videos are great to share with people, so if you have seen a nice, positive-vibe inspiring video that you can use then why not use it in your blog?

People doing charity work or giving someone a helping hand always makes a good news story. Maybe you witnessed a great act of kindness or generosity recently that reminded you that there are lots of good people in the world! Share it and pass on the positivity.

  1. Introduce mindfulness or other positive psychology concepts

You might have already heard about this but a concept called mindfulness has been getting quite a bit of interest recently. It isn’t exactly a new idea but different interpretations of mindfulness have been growing in popularity. Psychology and understanding how to cope better with certain situations are a great way of building positivity, so maybe your blog could feature ‘A Quick Introduction to Mindfulness’ or ‘5 Ways That Mindfulness Can Help You’ type of blog topics. Self-help style guidance is well searched for and can help you to gain more followers if your content is good quality and really useful for readers.

